What You Will Get:OPTION 1:1 x 250g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter & black sesame spread)2 x 100g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter, black sesame spread, almond butter spread, cashew nut butter & matcha cashew nut butter)OR OPTION 2:4 x 100g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter, black sesame spread, almond butter spread, cashew nut butter & matcha cashew nut butter)AND BOTH OPTION 1 & 2 WILL GET BELOW:1 x 50g Roasted Almond1 x 50g Roasted Cashew Nut1 x 50g Roasted Sunflower Seed & Pumpkin Seed1 x Signature Wooden Spoon\/Spread Knife1 x Handmade Reusable Bamboo Woven Besek*FREE 1 CNY Velvet Sticker (while stock last)*FREE CNY DECO DESIGN*FREE CNY wish card + FOC custom message UPON REQUEST.***Remark: Kindly remark to us or inbox message us or Whatsapp us at 0172181511 your preferred flavour of spread!Please note that type pf spread will be randomly select if not particular remark\/msg to us (within an hour).Kindly please message us if require special arrangement right after your order (within an hour). We will try our best to fullfill. CNY Festive Great idea as \ud83c\udf81gift for friends and family, visiting people, event gift, festive gift, door gift, corporate gift etc.100% Natural and Freshly MadeNatural Hand Crafted No Artificial Flavouring & ColouringNo PreservativesNo AdditivesNo hydrogenated Oils \/ No StabilizerVegetarian FriendlyPORK FREENo Added Oil for peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, almond butter spread & cashew nut butter.Storage: Up to 6 months un-open while recommend to finish within 2 months after open for best taste. Best before date stated at the bottom of each jar. Store at room temperature, dry and cool place.#peanutbutter #naturaljam #homemadespread #giftideas #naturalspread #giftidea #rayagift #gift #gifts #hamper","description":"[HUAT AH CNY MINI GREAT GIFT SET] Earth + Gray Natural Pure Spread Gift IdeaWhat You Will Get:OPTION 1:1 x 250g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter & black sesame spread)2 x 100g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter, black sesame spread, almond butter spread, cashew nut butter & matcha cashew nut butter)OR OPTION 2:4 x 100g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter, black sesame spread, almond butter spread, cashew nut butter & matcha cashew nut butter)AND BOTH OPTION 1 & 2 WILL GET BELOW:1 x 50g Roasted Almond1 x 50g Roasted Cashew Nut1 x 50g Roasted Sunflower Seed & Pumpkin Seed1 x Signature Wooden Spoon\/Spread Knife1 x Handmade Reusable Bamboo Woven Besek*FREE 1 CNY Velvet Sticker (while stock last)*FREE CNY DECO DESIGN*FREE CNY wish card + FOC custom message UPON REQUEST.***Remark: Kindly remark to us or inbox message us or Whatsapp us at 0172181511 your preferred flavour of spread!Please note that type pf spread will be randomly select if not particular remark\/msg to us (within an hour).Kindly please message us if require special arrangement right after your order (within an hour). We will try our best to fullfill. CNY Festive Great idea as \ud83c\udf81gift for friends and family, visiting people, event gift, festive gift, door gift, corporate gift etc.100% Natural and Freshly MadeNatural Hand Crafted No Artificial Flavouring & ColouringNo PreservativesNo AdditivesNo hydrogenated Oils \/ No StabilizerVegetarian FriendlyPORK FREENo Added Oil for peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, almond butter spread & cashew nut butter.Storage: Up to 6 months un-open while recommend to finish within 2 months after open for best taste. Best before date stated at the bottom of each jar. Store at room temperature, dry and cool place.#peanutbutter #naturaljam #homemadespread #giftideas #naturalspread #giftidea #rayagift #gift #gifts #hamper","meta_description":"[HUAT AH CNY MINI GREAT GIFT SET] Earth + Gray Natural Pure Spread Gift Idea What You Will Get: OPTION 1: 1 x 250g Selected Natural Spread (Choose between peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter, coffee peanut butter & black sesame spread) 2 x 100g Se","brands":[],"tags":[],"vendor":null,"collections":["handle":"feature-on-homepage","title":"Feature on homepage","handle":"gift-set","title":"Gift Sets\/Gift Ideas"],"promotions":[]}, onVariantSelected: selectCallback, enableHistoryState: false }); // Add label if only one product option and it isn't 'Title'. Could be 'Size'. $('.selector-wrapper:eq(0)').prepend('Spread Option'); // Hide selectors if we only have 1 variant and its title contains 'Default'. }); Follow Us Facebook
2023 Earth + Gray. Powered by EasyStore
setedit hd 100
If you type a value in the numeric edit field that is outside the limits, MATLAB displays a message that indicates the problem. If you enter the invalid value, MATLAB restores the value to the previous valid value.
If you type a value in the text edit field that is invalid, MATLAB displays a message that indicates the problem. If you then enter the invalid value by pressing Enter or navigating away from the component, MATLAB restores the value to the previous valid value.
By default, numeric edit fields display the value 0. If the app user types a nonnumeric value in a numeric edit field, MATLAB displays an error tooltip and reverts the value to the previous valid value.
Parent container, specified as a Figure object created using the uifigure function, or one of its child containers: Tab, Panel, ButtonGroup, or GridLayout. If you do not specify a parent container, MATLAB calls the uifigure function to create a new Figure object that serves as the parent container.
Wikicat entities require reference to certain entities which are not bibliographic in nature and so require definition in their own Wikidata datasets. This page simply catalogs such entities, their minimal attributes, and the datasets they naturally belong to.
I used: func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? for swiping right and making an item or a cell a favorite.
I changed sin 20 to sin 100 because sin 20 is a low frequency that may damage speakers if played too loudly on some systems. However, you can change this back to sin 20 if you would like. If you want a tone that is inaudible that won't damage your speakers, I suggest using sin 1 instead.
After installing MW 1.11.0rc1, the extension doesn't function anymore in my installation and the following error appeared:Detected bug in an extension! Hook namespacePermissionsCheckNamespace failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.-- 19:24, 6 September 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /reuters/radt/local/MediaWiki/mediawiki-1.6.7/extensions/NamespacePermissions.php:59) in /reuters/radt/local/MediaWiki/mediawiki-1.6.7/includes/OutputPage.php on line 412
Line 59 seems to be the last line of the file. Please check that the symbols "?>" (PHP closing "brace") are the last symbols of the file. If they are not (one space or a linefeed is bad enough) the extra symbols will go to the output, and setting the headers afterwards will fail.
Additional comment:This can be also the reason, why MediaWiki's Atom or RSS feed (about page changes) is not running or have syntax error in the XML header. After searching weeks about the xml error and parsing many forums, I deactived each of our 25 extensions. After activating (the wunderfull!) extension NamespacePermissions, the Atom feed failed. Then I read the topic of Oduvan (=>thanx a lot!) in the discussions and delete the two returns/linefeeds at the end of file NamespacePermissions.php :-) Now atom feed is running very well ...
What a great plugin, exaclty what I was looking for. Unfortunatly it doesn't seem to work.I get the following error message:"Warning: call_user_func(): First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /wiki/includes/Setup.php on line 327"I'm using Verion 1.6.7 without other extensions.
While the pages themselves seem to be protected with this extension, what is the possibility that the entries in the special page "All Pages" be hidden unless the user is signed in with a login that allows access to the protected namespace? Otherwise, the number and names of pages within a protected namespace are available.
When using Extension:NamespacePermissions Extension it is possible for every user to include the protected namespaces when searching. For every page hit the wiki will show (possibly secret) text from protected pages.
In function "wfSpecialAllpages" in "includes/SpecialAllpages.php", put the following code at the top of the function, replacing everything down to (and including) the $namespace = 0; line. -- 09:11, 9 February 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]
The following patch can be inserted just after (or instead) of the above one and blocks access to the "What links here" page for users who don't have access to the page itself. (Note that I only did very limited testing on this) -- 08:08, 9 February 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]
So far, it seems to work just fine for me. I will note, though that this fix doesn't prevent the user from manually entering the hidden namespace ID into the URL. See the Patch for SpecialRecentchanges.php and the Patch for SpecialAllpages.php sections for fixes for the rest of the page. -- 09:03, 9 February 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]
It is a better solution because there can be other means to protect pages from being viewed, may be individually (I am about to implement such a system now) - in which case pages have to be handled separately. 2ff7e9595c